Outras notícias
Dear colleagues, “The Global Labour University (GLU) invites trade unionists and labour activists to apply to its Masters in ‘Labour Policies and Globalisation’ offered by the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany) and the newly launched GLU Masters in ‘Labor and Global Workers’ Right’s’ offered by Penn State University (USA). For application and programme details, please visit http://www.global-labour-university.org/.
The Global Labour University is a collaboration of the ILO, universities and trade unions,
offering postgraduate programmes on labour policies, economics, workers’ rights, globalization and development to trade unionists around the world. The GLU invites applicants to become part of a global network of scholars and activists to debate and shape the future of the global labour movement.
We kindly ask you to spread this call for applications widely within the labour community. The final deadline for applications is 1 March 2014. At both campuses a limited number of scholarships will be awarded to qualified applicants in need of financial support. “
All the best,
Yorgos Altintzís
Economic & Social Policy
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
ΔΣΣ Διεθνής Συνομοσπονδία Συνδικάτων
Endereço: SCS Quadra 01, Bloco M, Salas 1301 a 1305; 1317 e 1318 Edifício Gilberto Salomão, Asa Sul, Brasília, DF, CEP: 70305-900
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